YCC Virtual Chemistry Trivia Night
Zoom Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwvd-CrrDooE9Gvzi66yVAWYXnNcG9CAbSL
Zoom Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwvd-CrrDooE9Gvzi66yVAWYXnNcG9CAbSL
Join us for a virtual wine tasting on Wednesday 2/16 @ 5:30 via Zoom. Guests (friends, SO's, etc. who are 21+) are welcome to attend! Register yourself and guests here by next Wednesday 2/9: https://enyacs.eventsmart.com/events/february-2022-virtual-wine-tasting/ Zoom link (will be re-shared on 2/16): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87322764070?pwd=YWcyRWZ5NjlJSmhWNUNDbnlIc2x0UT09 We will open with a social hour from 5:30 - 6:30 followed by the business…
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Dr. Todd Hyster will be awarded the ENY-ACS Buck-Whitney Award for 2022. He will speak at our March 16 meeting. Abstract: Enzymes are exquisite catalysts for chemical synthesis, capable of providing unparalleled levels of chemo-, regio-, diastereo- and enantioselectivity. Unfortunately, biocatalysts are often limited to the reactivity patterns found in nature. In this talk, I…
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The 14th Annual ENY-ACS Undergraduate Research Symposium will be held in a virtual format on Wednesday, April 27, 2022. Please register at this site by April 26th to receive information on how to connect to the virtual meeting. The event is FREE to attend. https://enyacs.eventsmart.com/events/undergraduate-research-symposium/ Abstracts will be accepted electronically; please access the submission form at: https://tinyurl.com/ENYACSUGRS.…
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On May 25 we will have our annual celebration to honor our 50, 60, and 70 years members! This meeting will be held in-person at 5:30 pm at the Centre Street Pub, located at 308 Union Street in Schenectady. It is a great pleasure to acknowledge these distinguished members who have contribute so much to…
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Our section is co-hosting the Jean Dreyfus Lectureship with Union College and Sigma Xi at Union College. This event is a lecture by Dr. Robert Langer of MIT and co-founder of Moderna. If you missed the registration deadline, we can still have some tickets earmarked for ENY. To attend in-person, register here by 4 pm: https://enyacs.eventsmart.com/?p=1202 If you…
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