
Younger Chemists Committee


Chair: Megan Chambers

Secretary: Caitlin Koto

Treasurer: Jalissa Thomas

Communications and Social Liaisons: Georgia Dittermore

Outreach Coordinator: Niara Nichols

Social Liaisons: Jess Andras

Executive Committee Members: Mary Kate Palleschi, Jessica Li, Erin Jacoski, Andre Adonnino, Emily Yin

YCC Subcommittees

Branding and Promotion: Megan Chambers (Chair); Lamyaa Almehmadi, Georgia Dittemore, Jalissa Thomas, Niara Nichols  (members)

Tools: Georgia Dittemore (Chair);  Jalissa Thomas (members)

Mentoring Program: Niara Nichols and Amy Osborne (Co-Chairs); Harrison Dickler, Mónica Ventura (members)

Publications:  Jo Mead (Chair); Lamyaa Almehmadi, Megan Chambers (members)

Follow us on social media: @ycc.enys.acs on Instagram and @ycc_acs_enys on Twitter!

In case you missed any of our earlier events, please visit our YouTube Channel:


Upcoming YCC Events:

We hope that you all have enjoyed your holiday season, and that your new year is off to a great start.

The Younger Chemists Committee apologizes for our long hiatus; our executive committee was undergoing some changes. We are happy to be back and look forward to engaging with you all again! We are working on new events for this upcoming year. There will be educational events that help you learn more about the chemistry field, networking events that can help connect you with other chemists, and de-stress events that can bring some fun to your busy schedules!

For our first event of the year, we will be hosting a research coffee hour where students and young professionals can network with one another and discuss their research interests. This will be followed by two presentations from graduate students on their research. This event will be hosted  in-person Monday, February 27th from 6-7pm at the University at Albany campus in Albany, NY. Snacks will be served! If you are interested in attending this event, please RSVP using the link below. We hope to see you there!

We also welcome you to join the YCC and the YCC’s executive committee! If you have an interest in joining us for future events or would like to join the executive committee to help plan and host events, you can fill out the below poll and we will add you to our email list and/or include you in our next planning meeting.

We hope to see you at our upcoming events. Be on the lookout for our emails!

Recent Events





CV/Resume Workshop (June 10th): https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIoc-qsrjooG9zDwis31fYgKvruCUjSNyaY