

Art of STEM

Russell Sage College 65 1st Street, Troy, NY, United States

May Meeting and Awards Ceremony

Join us at the May 17th meeting to celebrate this past year's award winners and 50/60/70 year members! Agenda: 5:30 – 6:30 Networking 6:30 – 7:30 Dinner 7:30 - 7:45 Business meeting…
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WCC Summer Event – All About Bees!

The Women's Chemists Committee is hosting a free event for everyone to learn about bees! Bees play a critical role in our environment and we can help them thrive by learning more…
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YCC Ice Cream Social

The YCC is hosting an ice cream social for our August event! Relax at the park and enjoy some FREE ice cream with us and other local chemists! We will meet at Scoups ice…
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September Meeting and Picnic

Paint Mine Thatcher State Park, Voorheesville, NY, United States

Join us for our September picnic on Wednesday 20th at 5:00 PM to have fun together enjoying good food and playing games! Friends and family are welcome to join. Agenda: 5:00…
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October Virtual Meeting

The October Meeting will be held virtually this year and we are inviting neighboring upper New York ACS local sections to join us! We will learn about recycling from expert…
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National Chemistry Week

The Eastern NY local section of the American Chemical Society (ENY ACS) will again be hosting an in-person National Chemistry Week event in 2023! The event will be held on Saturday, October 21, 2023,…
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YCC Chocolate Tasting

YCC Chocolate Tasting - Thursday 26th For October/Halloween, the ENY YCC will host a Chemistry of Chocolate Event on Thursday, October 26th from 5:30-6:30 pm! The first 30-minutes of the event…
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Boston Regional Inorganic Colloquium

Isermann Auditorium Biotech Building, RPI, Troy, NY, United States

he BRIC-57 Symposium will be held at RPI in Troy, NY on Saturday, October 28, 2023. The symposium will have two formal sessions on water oxidation and CO2 reduction with…
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